The Webbing Wrist Tether Dual-Action features two strong, yet lightweight, dual-action carabiners that are mounted on swivel-heads.
Manufactured from an abrasion-resistant webbi... read on
The Webbing Wrist Tether Single-Action is the most popular method of tethering hand tools to the GRIPPS range of gloves and wrist anchors.
Manufactured from an abrasio... read on
Ideal for securing large tools and equipment at height, the 15.9kg Webbing Tether Heavy Duty Dual-Action is light, strong and dependable. Industrial strength polyester webbing is... read on
Engineered for superior performance at height, the Webbing Tether Extra Heavy Duty Dual-Action is load-rated to a massive 36.9kg.
A dual-action karabiner at each end enables tet... read on