Nailers & Staplers

Found 2 category(s). Showing category(s) 1 to 2.

  • Includes DeWalt D51238K Air Powered 18 Gauge Brad Nailer Kit, Makita GN900SE 7.2 Volt Gas Nailer (2 x Lithium-Ion 7.2 Volt 1Ah Batteries), OIL FREE 6L COMP + NAILER/STAP, NEW Paslode Impulse 2nd Fix Kit Naked IM65 & Naked IM65A, ITW Paslode 920054 F350 Powermaster Plus Framing Kit (240 Volt), MASONRY NAILER & COMPR. KIT, Makita BPT350RFE 14.4 Volt Pin Nailer (2 x 3.0Ah Lithium Ion Battery), New ITW Spitfire P560 Disc Cartridge Tool, DeWalt DC618N 18 Volts Nail Gun (Body Only), Makita AN504 Compressed Air Construction Coil Nailer 27mm - 50mm Nails

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  • Includes Paslode S200 S16 Medium Duty Pneumatic Stapler, Clarke CSG3K-C - Air Staple Gun Kit, AIR STAPLER KIT, Clarke CSG1C - Air Staplegun, Arrow T50 Heavy Duty Staple Gun, Makita AT638 Compressed Air Stapler (18 Gauge), Makita T221DW 9.6 Volt Cordless Stapler, Makita BST221RFE 18 Volt Lithium-Ion Cordless Stapler (2 x 3.0Ah Lithium-Ion Batteries), Paslode MDS 1840 S18 Medium Duty Pneumatic Stapler, Paslode IM200 (50 S16) Cordless Gas Stapler & 2nd Battery Free of Charge

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