inch Precision made plug makers for use on natural timber, exactly matching the holes produced by the Saw Tooth Forstners groups 1306 & 1307.These have four to six wings to ensure a cl... read on
inch Precision made plug makers for use on natural timber, exactly matching the holes produced by the Saw Tooth Forstners groups 1306 & 1307.These have four to six wings to ensure a cl... read on
inch Precision made plug makers for use on natural timber, exactly matching the holes produced by the Saw Tooth Forstners groups 1306 & 1307.These have four to six wings to ensure a cl... read on
inch Precision made Carbon Steel plug makers for use on natural timber, exactly matching the holes produced by the Saw Tooth Forstners groups 1306 & 1307.High precision CNC ground flut... read on
A Tapered plug ensures an exceptionally tight fit is achieved. Tapered plug cutters with Tungsten Carbide Tips will produce many hundreds of plugs before resharpening is required.... read on