Equipped with triple-range variable electronic temperature control. Suitable for paint stripping, soft soldering, removing sticky labels and defrosting frozen pipes. Additionally s... read on
Heat gun kit supplied with two plastic welding nozzles and a starter pack of ABS welding rods.Heat gun Model No. HS102 with triple-range variable electronic temperature control.Sui... read on
Suitable for paint stripping, soft soldering, removing sticky labels and defrosting frozen pipes. Fitted with 2-step temperature control switch. Supplied with four nozzles, strippe... read on
Fitted with variable electronic temperature control and LCD temperature display. Suitable for paint stripping, soft soldering, removing sticky labels and defrosting frozen pipes. S... read on
2-Step switch for temperature and airflow control. Gun can also stand vertically. Suitable for paint stripping, soft soldering, removing sticky labels and defrosting frozen pipes. ... read on
2-Step airflow control switch, with variable temperature range on both levels. Gun is designed to stand vertically, allowing use as a safe Bunsen burner alternative. Suitable for p... read on
Features three speeds and temperature control. Suitable for paint stripping, soft soldering, removing sticky labels and defrosting frozen pipes. Supplied with four nozzles and a sc... read on