Heat-shrinkable tubing set for electrical installations. For shrinking onto cable terminals, breaks and looms, 3.2 9.5 mm.Heat-shrinkable tubing set for electrical installations.... read on
Shrink tubing I. For shrinking onto cable terminals, breaks and looms, 1.6 4.8 mm.Shrink tubing I 1.6 4.8 mm. For shrinking onto cable terminals, breaks and looms. For professi... read on
Shrink tubing II. For shrinking onto cable terminals, breaks and looms, 4.8 9.5 mm.Shrink tubing II 4.8 9.5 mm. For shrinking onto cable terminals, breaks and looms. For profes... read on
Shrink tubing III. For shrinking onto cable ends, breaks and looms, 4.8 12.0 mm.Shrink tubing III 4.8 12.0 mm. For shrinking onto cable terminals, breaks and looms. For profess... read on
All present and correct! Shrink tubing set, includes reflector nozzle and 1.6 9.5 mm heat-shrinkable tubingsShrink tubing kit. All-inclusive set for heat-shrinking, including refl... read on