Premium quality, wide crown packaging staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 10,000 x type 17/32mm galvanised pa... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, flat wire staples (thicker than 13 and 53 type) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong hold
Pack of 2000 x ... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, flat wire staples (thicker than 13 and 53 type) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong hold
Pack of 5000 x ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples (thinner than both type 53 and type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration
Pack of 5000 x type 13/4mm galvani... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
Premium quality, thick wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 5000 x type 90/30mm galvanised ... read on
Premium quality, thick wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 5,000 x type 90/15mm galvanised... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 1000 x type 91/15mm galvanised n... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, flat wire staples (thicker than 13 and 53 type) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong hold
Pack of 2000 x ... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, flat wire staples (thicker than 13 and 53 type) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong hold
Pack of 5000 x ... read on
Premium quality, flat wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 10,000 x type 80/6mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tacw... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, with divergent point legs providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 1000 x... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 1000 x type 91/25mm stainless st... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples (thinner than both type 53 and type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration
Pack of 5000 x type 13/8mm galvani... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples (thinner than both type 53 and type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration
Pack of 5000 x type 13/10mm galvan... read on
Premium quality, fine wire plier staples with chisel point ‘soft action’ legs that provide easy penetration
Pack of 5000 x type 73/12mm galvanised steel plier stap... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, with divergent point legs providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 1000 x... read on
Premium quality, wide crown packaging staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 10,000 x type 17/19mm galvanised pa... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 20,000 x type 71/12mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tac... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 20,000 x type 71/5mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tacw... read on
Premium quality, ‘U’ shaped thin wire staples with a less intrusive white finish, useful for securing low voltage cables up to 6mm in diameter
Pack of 5000 x type ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 10,000 x type 71/14mm galvanised black staples, made for professional use ... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, flat wire staples (thicker than 13 and 53 type) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong hold
Pack of 5000 x ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 1000 x type 91/35mm galvanised n... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
Premium quality, ‘U’ shaped thin wire staples with a less intrusive white finish, useful for securing low voltage cables up to 4.5mm in diameter
Pack of 5000 x typ... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
Premium quality, ‘U’ shaped thin wire staples, useful for securing low voltage cables up to 6mm in diameter
Pack of 5000 x type CT-60/10mm galvanised staples with ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 1,000 x type 91/45mm galvanised ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 20,000 x type 71/6mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tacw... read on
Premium quality, thick gauge, framing staples, with a narrow crown to provide a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 15,000 x type ... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
Premium quality, thick wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 5000 x type 90/40mm galvanised ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 20,000 x type 71/10mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tac... read on
Premium quality, thick gauge, framing staples, with a narrow crown to provide a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 10,000 x type ... read on
Premium quality, ‘U’ shaped thin wire staples with a less intrusive white finish, useful for securing low voltage cables up to 6mm in diameter
Pack of 5000 x type ... read on
Premium quality, thick gauge, framing staples, with a narrow crown to provide a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 10,000 x type ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, with divergent point legs providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 5000 x... read on
Premium quality, ‘U’ shaped thin wire staples, useful for securing low voltage cables up to 6mm in diameter
Pack of 5000 x type CT-60/12mm galvanised staples with ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, with divergent point legs providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 1000 x... read on
Premium quality, flat wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 10,000 x type 80/8mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tacw... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 5,000 x type 97/25mm galvanised ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, with divergent point legs providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 1000 x... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, flat wire staples (thicker than 13 and 53 type) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong hold
Pack of 5000 x ... read on
Premium quality, thick wire, narrow crown staples, with divergent point legs providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 5000 ... read on
Premium quality, thick gauge, framing staples, with a narrow crown to provide a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 10,000 x type ... read on
Premium quality, thick wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 5000 x type 90/35mm galvanised ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 20,000 x type 71/10mm stainless steel black staples, made for professional... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 20,000 x type 71/4mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tacw... read on
Premium quality, fine wire plier staples with chisel point ‘soft action’ legs that provide easy penetration
Pack of 5000 x type 73/10mm galvanised steel plier stap... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 20,000 x type 71/6mm stainless steel black staples, made for professional ... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, flat wire staples (thicker than 13 and 53 type) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong hold
Pack of 2000 x ... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, with divergent point legs providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 5000 x... read on
Premium quality, ‘U’ shaped thin wire staples with a less intrusive white finish, useful for securing low voltage cables up to 4.5mm in diameter
Pack of 5000 x typ... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, flat wire staples (thicker than 13 and 53 type) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong hold
Pack of 5000 x ... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
Premium quality, wide crown packaging staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 10,000 x type 17/25mm galvanised pa... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples (thinner than both type 53 and type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration
Pack of 5000 x type 13/6mm galvani... read on
Premium quality, thick wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 5000 x type 90/20mm galvanised ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 20,000 x type 71/8mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tacw... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 1000 x type 91/20mm galvanised n... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 20,000 x type 71/8mm galvanised black staples, made for professional use i... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples (thinner than both type 53 and type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration
Pack of 5000 x type 13/14mm galvan... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
Premium quality, wide crown carton closing staple, providing a strong hold for a range of packaging applications
Pack of 2000 x type 32/15mm galvanised carton closing staples, des... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 10,000 x type 71/16mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tac... read on
Premium quality, thick gauge, framing staples, with a narrow crown to provide a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 15,000 x type ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 20,000 x type 71/10mm galvanised black staples, made for professional use ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 2800 x type 91/15-30mm galvanise... read on
Premium quality, thick wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 5000 x type 90/25mm galvanised ... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, flat wire staples (thicker than 13 and 53 type) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong hold
Pack of 2000 x ... read on
PROFESSIONAL HAMMER TACKER – Compact all-metal hammer tacker supplied in a box with 75,000 x type 140/8mm staples, designed to offer the best in speed and performance for ma... read on
Premium quality, flat wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 10,000 x type 80/16mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tac... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
PROFESSIONAL HAMMER TACKER – Compact all-metal hammer tacker supplied in a box with 75,000 x type 140/10mm staples, designed to offer the best in speed and performance for ... read on
Premium quality, flat wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 10,000 x type 80/12mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tac... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 1000 x type 91/30mm galvanised n... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 5,000 x type 97/10mm galvanised ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 1000 x type 91/40mm galvanised n... read on
Premium quality, ‘U’ shaped thin wire staples, useful for securing low voltage cables up to 6mm in diameter
Pack of 5000 x type CT-60/12mm galvanised staples with ... read on
Premium quality, flat wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 10,000 x type 80/4mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tacw... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 5,000 x type 97/20mm galvanised ... read on
Premium quality, thick gauge, framing staples, with a narrow crown to provide a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 10,000 x type ... read on
Premium quality, ‘U’ shaped thin wire staples, useful for securing low voltage cables up to 4.5mm in diameter
Pack of 5000 x type CT-45/10mm galvanised staples wit... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, flat wire staples (thicker than 13 and 53 type) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong hold
Pack of 2000 x ... read on
Premium quality, flat wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 10,000 x type 80/10mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tac... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 1000 x type 91/25mm galvanised n... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, with divergent point legs providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 1000 x... read on
Premium quality, fine wire, narrow crown staples, providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 5,000 x type 97/15mm galvanised ... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 10,000 x type 71/14mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tac... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, flat wire staples (thicker than 13 and 53 type) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong hold
Pack of 5000 x ... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, flat wire staples (thicker than 13 and 53 type) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong hold
Pack of 2000 x ... read on
Premium quality, wide crown carton closing staple, providing a strong hold for a range of packaging applications
Pack of 2000 x type 32/18mm galvanised carton closing staples, des... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, fine wire staples (thicker than type 13, but thinner than type 140) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong h... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, flat wire staples (thicker than 13 and 53 type) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong hold
Pack of 2000 x ... read on
Premium quality, heavy duty, flat wire staples (thicker than 13 and 53 type) with sharp, V-shaped chisel points that provide easy penetration and a strong hold
Pack of 2000 x ... read on
Premium quality, thick gauge, framing staples, with a narrow crown to provide a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 10,000 x type ... read on
Premium quality, flat wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 10,000 x type 80/14mm galvanised staples, made for professional use in Tac... read on
Premium quality, fine wire staples, designed purely for professional upholstery applications
Pack of 20,000 x type 71/12mm galvanised black staples, made for professional use ... read on
Premium quality, thick wire, narrow crown staples, with divergent point legs providing a strong hold for a range of professional heavy duty stapling applications
Pack of 5000 ... read on