The strongest of all our ladders: high load capacity and modern design for the most exacting requirements.
Max. load 250 kg.
Wide aluminium alloy rungs, 60 mm deep, with non-... read on
The strongest of all our ladders: high load capacity and modern design for the most exacting requirements.
Max. load 250 kg.
Wide aluminium alloy rungs, 60 mm deep, with non-... read on
The strongest of all our ladders: high load capacity and modern design for the most exacting requirements.
Max. load 250 kg.
Wide aluminium alloy rungs, 60 mm deep, with non-... read on
The strongest of all our ladders: high load capacity and modern design for the most exacting requirements.
Max. load 250 kg.
Wide aluminium alloy rungs, 60 mm deep, with non-... read on
The strongest of all our ladders: high load capacity and modern design for the most exacting requirements.
Max. load 250 kg.
Wide aluminium alloy rungs, 60 mm deep, with non-... read on